Saturday, January 20, 2007

2007 "A Good Year"

David accepted a new position. He will be working with a contracting company at Boeing. He will be a projsct manager. We are very excited. David started on the 18th. Gabe has loved having Daddy home so this is a bit of a transition for him. What a great birthday present for him!!
2007 is starting out on a good foot!!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Gabe did it!!

Gabe rode the chair lift today twice! The first time he fell at the top but brushed it off. The second time he was smooth as glass. We really need to work on turning. He has to ski between my skis or else he takes off. He did great all in all. Today was a great day to ski. We had new snow, a sunny sky and not bad temperature.

When we got home everyone was playing football. Gabe of course joined in. (he has shared with us that he will be a Seattle Seahawk when he grows up)

We still have snow on the ground and Buddy is loving it. He just played and played.